A miniature version of our popular 2.6" diameter HAWK, this scaled down model of the original HAWK missile will fly on black powder "D" motors, or composite fuel "E" motors. During testing we also flew it (once) successfully on an Aerotech "F24" reloadable, but our first test model vanished from sight (straight up) and we never saw it again. While building another test model, we decided that this was far too expensive in terms of lost reload casings, so the use of "F’s", while possible, is not recommended.Recovery is by a brightly colored 18" octagonal Mylar parachute. A 3/16" diameter launch rod is required for all TLP rocket kits. The TLP HAWK (1.6" Dia.) is a finely detailed model of this classic missile, in 1/8.75 scale.
SKU #K039
Price $20.99