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International Favorite.

EXOCET MM.40 (Early Version)     ANTI-SHIP MISSILE            (France)

Used by Argentina during the Falklands War, the Exocet series of missiles caused some heavily publicized damage to the British fleet, sinking at least one ship, despite the fact that, in at least two cases, the missile warheads failed to detonate! The manufacturer, Aerospatiale, claims that the problem has been corrected. All Exocets use active radar homing, skimming along just above the waves to strike the target near the waterline. A delay fuse allows it to penetrate the stricken ship before detonating its high-explosive warhead. This early model of the MM.40 is no longer produced, but the current version is used, in addition to it’s ship-to-ship role, as a land-based, coastal defense missile.The Launch Pad is proud to offer this impressive 1/5.30 scale model of the MM.40 version of the Exocet. This is the first production model of the MM.40, looking very much like a slightly stretched MM.38. Later rounds of the MM.40 have fins shaped more like the AM.39 Exocet on the previous page. You will enjoy building and flying this tall (3 ½ ft.) and beautiful missile which will catch everyone’s eye with realistic flaming takeoffs and soaring flights. Uses a pair of powerful "D" or "E" motors in tandem.Pricing

SKU #K008
Price  $36.99

Copyright 2012 The Launch Pad.  Space Photograph Courtesy of NASA

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